2024-2025 OPE Classroom Sign-Up

Welcome to your classroom! This is a required form. Please complete it for EACH student at OPE.



The following are volunteer opportunities available to you for this classroom:


Classroom Parent: Serve as liaison between the teacher and the classroom's parents to coordinate class parties and events. If multiple parents are interested, this position may be shared by two parents. The volunteer coordinator will reach out to potential room parents by email to confirm commitment in the coming weeks.


Children's Access to Art Program (CAAP) Coordinator: Present a famous artist or work of art to your student's class and facilitate a related art project. No prior art knowledge needed! Training and supplies are provided. CAAP lessons are usually 30-60 minutes, once a month - schedule TBD by you and the teacher. 


CAAP Helper: Attend CAAP lessons, help set up the lesson and assist students in creating the art projects planned by the CAAP Coordinator. No planning, just helping! 


However you choose to share your time - thank you for getting involved!


Please use the boxes below to opt-in for positions if you are interested. You will be contacted by email in the coming weeks with more information.







Please use the boxes below to opt-in for positions if you are interested. You will be contacted by email in the coming weeks with more information.



Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We wish you a wonderful school year!